Check out one of our videos below!
I called this big IL buck in on November 1st. The video is a bit overzoomed and sharpened for a better look on smaller screens, so not the best quality. What...
Since I had already killed 6 this spring, I decided to see how close I could come to this IL gobbler's head without actually killing him. Yeah...that is my story! Click HD and see just how close my arrow came to putting him in the truck to ride with me.
Just one of the 4 Rios I killed on a recent trip to West Texas. This bird first answered me from 250 yards away and came in on a string. Watch as he comes ru...
This is a short version of my second TX bird of a recent archery hunt. Shot distance was 7 yards to the neck with a Magnus Bullhead.
Awesome second cam footage of a head shot on a big Kansas gobbler with a Magnus Bullhead.
Just a short clip from my Nebraska turkey hunt last week. This big gobbler didn't know what to think when he hit the jake deke and sent it spinning!
This hunt shows how fast things can turn around when turkey hunting. From a busted morning hunt to an exciting hunt during the late morning.
A quick clip of Robin's shot on his 2017 MIssouri Buck.
When you set up on a roost you know has literally a few HUNDRED birds...well...just turn up the volume, watch, and enjoy!
What turkey hunter doesn't dream of this kinda sunrise view? We snuck in here in the dark and set up at what we thought was 75 yards from the birds but was t...
We all look forward to November with crisp temps and lots of activity but this hunt was while wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Take a look at the result though....
A few of our archery gobblers from our turkey hunts over the last few years. There is a whole lot of excitement, fun, and memories tied up in these couple mi...